I took a look at the display board today, and was pleasantly surprised – It’s fixable. The wires that were on it, are just to fix bad solder joints + breaks in the lines on the board.

To fix it, I desoldered all of the segments to record the paths that needed re-soldering, and put it back together with ripped-apart IDE cable to fix the broken joints on the board.

As of now, the rest of the machine’s working condition is unknown. I’ll test it out after installing this board in a day or so. I also purchased three replacement buttons (43mm seems to be the correct size from measurements I took) from eBay for around $2.50 each, 30 replacement LED indicator bulbs (for the strength indicator – the bulbs are standard T5 #74) for $1.50/10, and stopped by Home Depot to pick up a couple dozen assorted screws + nuts and a new locking bolt for the mech door. This brings our running cost to: $84.25.
What’s Missing:
- 1 Top Halogen Light Bulb
- Punchball
- Solenoid/Electromagnet
- Coin Acceptor
Some Screws + Nuts
What’s Needs Fixing:
- Plastic Display Holder – It looks like someone took a sledgehammer to it…
Buttons – All of them are mismatched, and one’s sticky.- Foam Hand Guard
Many of the Mini Lightbulbs for the Strength Indicator are burned outDisplay Board – Wires… Everywhere!- Cabinet needs some buffing/TLC
- Coin/Mech door on the back needs a lock + screws